5 Reasons to List Your Home Now!
I’m in the market every day helping homebuyers find the home that’s perfect for them. I listen carefully and take a lot of notes – and tour a lot of properties! So if you’re thinking it’s time to sell, here are five great reasons to list your home now.
Serious Buyers
With the “back to school” buying season officially behind us, many home-buyers looking to relocate in the fall are usually under pressure. There’s often a reason they need to move and they nearly always want to be “settled before Christmas.” So they’re on a mission to find it, buy and move on a schedule. They mean business, have a deadline and a check list. What seller doesn’t want that?
Less Competition
In addition to having the stress of the holiday season looming overhead, fall homebuyers are also dealing with low inventory. I watch our firm’s internal Total Market Overview or TMO Reports for the Bowling Green/Warren County market like a hawk because they’re real numbers pulled directly from our local MLS. Six months inventory is considered a “balanced” market, so anything under six months gives an advantage to the seller. Anything over six months offers buyers more options. As of Oct 4th, we have 3.46 months of inventory. Typically that number will go down before it will go up before the end of the year. Bottom line: Homebuyers have fewer homes to choose from in the fall than the spring and summer, so your home will get more views and consideration.
Historically Low Interest Rates
FreddieMac shared their weekly mortgage rate survey today – and it decreased again! With good credit, homebuyers can realistically expect to get 3.57% for a 30 year loan. That’s historically low and incredibly helpful to buyers looking to invest in a new home. And nearly every market report out right now shows buyers – especially those buying for the first time – are taking full advantage of them!
More Help to the Closing Table
Every lender I know is quick to tell you they can close a loan in under 30 days – and they often can. But they have to rely on a lot of other professionals in the industry to make that happen. Realtors®, attorneys and closing agents, home inspectors, appraisers and more all play a role in the process. Most if not all of them have slowed down over the last thirty days and are now in a better position to move more quickly and get you to the closing table faster as a result.
You’re Asking the Question!
If you’re having this discussion with yourself (and me!), it’s likely because you’re ready to sell and move on. It’s just time. The house is too big – or small. You want a bigger kitchen or perhaps you’re tired of cleaning a large house you really don’t need or want anymore. You’re getting married and planning a house full of kids – or you’re ready to downsize so you can travel and spoil grandkids at their home. Whatever the reason, if your home is no longer a good match for you, it’s a great time to sell and move on to one that is.
All that said, homes sell successfully in all seasons throughout the year. If fall happens to be the best match for you, time is of the essence. But if not, the fall’s a great time to prepare your home to list this winter or even spring and summer. Either way, you need to get moving! Visit https://www.sckyrealestate.com/list-your-home/ or just call/text me to get started.
Excellent Blog! Not looking now, but saved this to my Pinterest to refer to when/if we decide to in the future.
Thank you Angie! You have no idea how excited I am to hear that! Just let me know if you have any questions before then or have topics you’d like me to cover. Happy to help!!